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New holland tc30 manual downloadNew holland tc30 manual download.Automotive
Author downloadmanual Embed Size px x x x x Introduction 2. Precautionary Statements 3. Safety 4. The Tractor 4. Servicing the Tractor 4. Operating the Tractor 5. Driving the Tractor 5. Operating the PTO 6. Diesel Fuel 6. Safety Decals 7. Instruction Decals 8. Product Identification Plate International Symbols Specifications General Dimensions Minimum Hardware Tightening Torques Lubricants Adjustments Tire Inflation Pressure Use this manual in conjunction with theoperators manual for complete operation, adjust-ment, and maintenance information.
On New Holland equipment, left and right aredetermined by standing behind the unit, looking inthe direction of travel. A careful operator is the best operator. Most accidents can be avoided by observing certain new holland tc30 manual download.
To helpprevent accidents, read and take the following precautions before operating this equipment. Equipment shouldbe operated only by those who are responsible and instructed to do so. Carefully review the procedures given in thismanual with all operators. It is important that all operators be familiarwith and Follow safety precautions. Read the Operators Manual carefully beforeusing the tractor. Lack of operating knowledgecan lead to accidents. Use an approved roll bar and seat belt for safeoperation.
Overturning a tractor without a roll barcan result in death or injury. If your tractor is notequipped with a roll bar and seat belt, see yourNew Holland Dealer. Always use the seat belt. The only new holland tc30 manual download seat belt should not be used is if the roll barhas been removed from the tractor. Use the handholds and step plates when gettingon and off the tractor to prevent falls. Keep stepsand platform cleared of mud and debris.
Do new holland tc30 manual download permit windows home premium creation tool download but the operator to ride onthe tractor. There is no safe place for extra riders. Keep all safety decals clean of dirt and grime,and replace all missing, illegible, or damagedsafety decals.
See the list of decals in the Decalsection of this manual. The cooling system operates under pressurewhich is controlled by the radiator cap. New holland tc30 manual download isdangerous to remove the cap while the system ishot. Always turn the cap slowly new holland tc30 manual download the first stopand allow pressure to escape before removingthe cap new holland tc30 manual download.
Keep any type of open flame away from thetractor and do not smoke while refueling. Wait forthe engine to cool before refueling. Keep the tractor and equipment, particularlybrakes and steering, maintained in a reliable andsatisfactory condition to ensure your safety andcomply with legal requirements. Keep open flame or cold weather starting aidsaway from the battery to prevent fires orexplosions. Use jumper cables according toinstructions to prevent sparks which could causeexplosion. Iffluid is new holland tc30 manual download into the skin, obtain medicalattention immediately or gangrene may result.
Do not modify or permit anyone else to modify oralter this tractor or any of its components orfunctions without first consulting a New HollandDealer. The fuel oil in the injection system is under highpressure and can penetrate the skin. Unqualifiedpersons should not remove or attempt to adjusta pump, injector, nozzle, or any other part of thefuel injection system. Failure to follow theseinstructions can result in serious injury. Continuous long-term contact with used engineoil may cause skin cancer.
Avoid prolongedcontact with used engine oil. Wash skin promptlywith soap and water. Some components of your tractor, such asgaskets and friction surfaces brake linings,clutch linings, etc. Breathing asbestos dust is dangerous to yourhealth. You are advised to have any mainte-nance or repair on such components carried outby an authorized New Holland Dealer. However,if service operations are to be undertaken onparts that contain asbestos, the essentialprecautions listed below must be observed:.
Before starting the tractor, apply the parkingbrake, place the PTO lever in the OFF position,the lift control lever in the down position, theremote control valve levers in the neutralposition, and the transmission in neutral. Always sit in the tractor seat when starting theengine or operating controls.
Do not start theengine or operate controls while standing besidethe tractor. Do not bypass the neutral start switches. Consultyour New Holland Dealer if your neutral startcontrols malfunction. Use jumper cables only inthe recommended manner. Improper use canresult in tractor runaway. Avoid accidental contact with the gear shift leverwhile the engine is running, as this can causeunexpected tractor movement.
Before getting off the tractor, disengage the PTO,turn the engine off, and apply the parking brake. Never get off the tractor while it is in motion. Do not operate the tractor engine in an enclosedbuilding without adequate ventilation.
Exhaustfumes can cause death or illness. Pull only from the drawbar or the lower linkdrawbar in the downposition. Use only new holland tc30 manual download drawbarpin that locks in place. Pulling from the tractorrear axle or any point above the axle may causethe tractor to upset.
If the front end of the tractor tends to rise whenheavy implements are attached to the wikipedia standard windows download server 2016 free hitch, install front end or front wheelweights.
Do not operate the tractor with a lightfront end. Always set the hydraulic selector lever in источник when attaching or transporting equip-ment. Ensure hydraulic couplers are properlymounted and will disconnect жмите in case ofaccidental detachment of implement. Watch where you are going, especially at rowends, on roads, around trees and low hangingobstacles.
To avoid upsets, drive the tractor with care and ata safe speed. Use extra caution when operatingover rough ground, when crossing ditches orslopes, and when turning corners. Do not coast or free wheel down hills. New holland tc30 manual download thesame gear when going downhill as is used whengoing new holland tc30 manual download.
Any towed vehicle with a total weight exceedingthat of the towing tractor should be equipped withbrakes for safe operation. If the tractor becomes stuck or the tires becomefrozen to the ground, back up the tractor toprevent upset. Metric Bolt Torque Specifications Special Tools Compression Test and Tools General Information Description of Operation Cylinder Head and Valve Train Components Cylinder Block Assembly Troubleshooting Engine Overhaul Engine Disassembly Fuel Injector and Glow Plug Removal
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